
Umsókn um uppihaldsloyvi eftir serlógini um persónar, sum eru riknir úr Ukraina

Serlógin um fyribils uppihaldsloyvi til persónar, ið eru riknir burtur úr Ukraina, kemur í gildi í Føroyum sunnudag 10. apríl 2022. Sostatt kann umsókn latast inn eftir hesi lóg hendan dagin.

Umsókn kann latast inn á løgreglustøðunum kring landið í skrivstovutíðum. Oyðubløð á enskum máli:

FO/SL1 (PDF)                         FO/SL2 (PDF)

FO/SL1 (WORD)                     FO/SL2 (WORD)

FO/SL2 skal brúkast av umsøkjarum, ið søkja sum familja hjá persóni, ið er rikin burtur úr Ukraina.

Krav um uppmøting – vaksin og børn

Øll skulu møta á løgreglustøðini í Tórshavn til at upptaka biometriskar upplýsing í sambandi við umsókn  (fingramerki og mynd). Ein skal fylgja vegleiðingini í umsóknarblaðnum, undir “Instructions”, harafturat verður boðað frá, at hvør umsøkjari eisini skal hava eina passmynd við (sí krøv til mynd á s. 8 í umsóknarblaðnum). Foreldur skulu minnast til at hava pass ella annað samleikaskjal fyri børn teirra við, um søkt verður fyri tey. Børnini skulu møta samstundis sum foreldrini. Upptøka av biometriskum upplýsingum kann bert gerast á løgreglustøðini í Tórshavn. Ein kann tó altíð lata umsókn inn, um ikki biometri verður upptikin.

Um serligar umstøður gera seg galdandi viðvíkjandi uppmøting, so skal ein seta seg í sambandi við løgregluna um hetta. Ein umsókn um uppihaldsloyvi eftir serlógini kann vanliga ikki avgreiðast, uttan at biometri verður upptikin.

Sí annars kunning í umsóknarskjalinum. Meira kunning verður løgd út á danska portalin hjá útlendingamyndugleikunum, www.nyidanmark.dk, í komandi viku.


Umsøkjari eftir serlógini kann fáa innivist á móttøkuhúsi í Tórshavn. Tó, so er hetta ikki eitt krav. Umsøkjari kann eisini búgva hjá familju ella vinum.

Ein skal ringja til Reyða Kross á +298 1818, um tørvur er á hesum.


*E N G L I S H   T E X T*

Residence permit under the Special Act on displaced persons from Ukraine

The Special Act for displaced persons from Ukraine comes into effect for The Faroe Islands on Sunday 10th of April 2022. On this day, it is possible to hand in an application.

The application is to be handed in at one of the police stations around the country during office hours. The following forms are to be used:

FO/SL1 (PDF)                    FO/SL2 (PDF)

FO/SL1 (WORD)                FO/SL2 (WORD)

FO/SL2 is to be used if you want to apply for a residence permit as a family member to a displaced person from Ukraine.

Applicants need to meet in person – children included

If you want to apply, you will need to hand in an application personally in order to have your biometrics recorded (fingerprints and photo). The applicants should follow the steps explained in the form under “Instructions”, in addition applicants need to bring one passport photo (see photo requirements on p. 8 in the form). If you have children, applying concurrently with you it is very important that the children are with you, when you meet at the police station and that you also bring the children’s passports or other identity documents. The recording of biometrics can only be done at the police station in Tórshavn. You can always hand in an application in case biometrics are not recorded.

In special circumstances, you will need to contact the police if you cannot meet in person. A case can only be decided if the biometrics of the applicant are recorded.

For more information, please read the application form. Additional information will be available in the coming week on this site, www.newtodenmark.dk.


While your application for a residence permit under the Special Act is being processed, you will have the possibility to be accommodated in a reception house in Tórshavn. This is not, however, a requirement. You can also reside privately, with family or friends.

In case you need accommodation in connection with applying for residence permit, please contact The Red Cross, phone no. +298 1818.